This is a post from Becca to our Facebook page and we found it so encouraging, we want to share it! Hi, All! I wanted to take a moment to share my first experience in the real world of scoping. I finally worked up enough courage to post a job ad on Triple Threat’s job […]
Continue readingIS THIS YOU? Are you sick of working your fingers to the bone to enrich someone else? Are you fed up with having no control over your schedule and being forced to work overtime? Are you tired of dealing with demanding bosses and irritable coworkers? Are you weary of commuting an hour or more each way […]
Continue readingScoping – Weathering Economic ChangesBy Linda EvensonIn the past few years, there have been many changes to the landscape of business: a much higher minimum wage, significant layoffs, higher interest rates, COVID isolation, more remote employees, businesses failing and closing, rampant inflation — the list goes on and on. Job security seems to be a […]
Continue readingStenography is a highly sought-after skill and can be quite lucrative, with CNBC reporting that experienced stenographers can earn upwards of $100,000 per year as court reporters. In spite of this, interest in the profession has declined over the last 10 years, resulting in a shortage of at least 5,000 reporters.Stenographers and scopists symbiotically play […]
Continue readingA year ago, my wife and I decided to make a significant change in our careers. We were looking for something completely different and we found it in scoping. A friend of ours has been scoping for 40 years and he suggested we check out ISS. It was one of the best decisions we have […]
Continue readingINTERNET SCOPING SCHOOL EXPERIENCE — The past 11 months Current Student Perspective — for info on what it is like to be a “practicing” scopist, there are others on the FB group who have offered their help with that — as I will down the road:) Katherine (Kate) Mulderig •Decision to enroll: Last spring I […]
Continue readingI actually did create checklists for some reporters who had certain “bad habits” that were easy for me to read over. One gal, for example, often reversed you were/were you, and I found it very easy to overread the wrong one. For her, I actually created an E-global that had the conflict set up which […]
Continue readingThis article by Megan Stolz Rogers says: “Stenography can be a solitary profession and reporters can work long, sometimes exhausting, hours. The solution to this can be working with a scopist — giving the reporter the gift of time and a teammate. Scoping your own transcripts is “like a second job,” says Margary Rogers, RPR, […]
Continue readingHi Linda, I hope this email finds you well! I have been wanting to take the time to sit and write you an update on how things are going since graduating from ISS at the end of November. In a previous e-mail, I had mentioned that I had interest from a reporter. I did take work […]
Continue readingBy Linda Evenson — Normally, I don’t care what my competition says about ISS. I’ve always believed that the best way to market is to show folks why ISS is the best choice for them, not to denigrate other courses. The world is already so negative; I don’t want to pile more on that heap. […]
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