Learn to Edit for
Court Reporters.
Build a work-from-home career
using in-demand skills.
What is Internet Scoping School?
Internet Scoping School is the most thorough and effective scoping training program on Earth. We teach our students to do far more than edit transcripts for court reporters -- we teach them how to build a successful scoping business.
We are the only scoping course that includes lifetime access* to support and all content updates in our tuition fee. You will never need to enroll a second time to complete your training. That's real self-paced learning.
What is Scoping?
Scoping is what the court reporting industry calls editing.
If a court reporter is the writer, a scopist is the editor.
A talented individual with excellent word skills receives a transcript and audio from a court reporter, downloads it into his/her software, and edits the transcript to be correct according to the audio.
Excellent punctuation, word use, and vocabulary skills are essential.
Why Learn to Scope?
There are three major advantages to working at home as a scopist.
Scopists can work from anywhere.
All you need is a computer, software, and access to the Internet and email.
Scopists are well paid.
On average, a scopist earns between $30,000 and $50,000 per year -- sometimes more. In contrast to degree programs that cost tens of thousands of dollars, scopist training is much more affordable.
Scoping is in high demand.
A scopist saves a court reporter valuable time -- time they can spend doing more reporting and earning more money. It's a win-win.
Enroll in our FREE intro course
to learn more about scoping.
About the Instructor
Hi! I'm Linda Evenson, and I was a professional scopist for over 42 years, until I semiretired to concentrate on running the school. I've been teaching scoping since 1999. My school is consistently recommended by the National Court Reporters Association and has a proven track record for producing successful, competent scopists.
I love to teach, so working with students is my favorite part of my job. One thing you can count on with me as an instructor is that I'll always be there for my students -- even long after they graduate from my program. I believe in a well-rounded and comprehensive style of training that continues for a lifetime.
If you have excellent word skills and want to work from home, there is no need to invest tens of thousands of dollars in a college degree -- scoping may be just what you're looking for.
What Our Students Are Saying...
Real review from Facebook (click the screenshot to see more!):
Real student email:
This is what Lisa has to say:
I can tell you take a real interest in your students and I appreciate that!

I got my first client literally the day I graduated from the course. I love, love, love working from home. You will make the money back over and over again. If this is something that you want to do, go for it!
Linda Livingston
And more compliments we’ve gotten over the years!
Everything I Learned From You Is RelevantGood afternoon, Early this morning, several hours before I left for my 9 to 5, while working on a transcript, I was struck by the reality that everything I learned in your class has led me to this moment. When I was studying all the different sections from punctuation to notereading to CaseCAT training, there were times when I thought “Do I really need to know that?” Now that I am actually scoping transcripts in the “real world”, I realize time and time again that everything I learned from you is relevant. I’m grateful for the notes I took while studying and the ability to return to the course when I have a question or need clarification. The friendly and helpful communication on the Facebook groups from you and all the members is invaluable. I have taken many notes just from the information found in the ISS Students n’ Grads group alone. I am still working my 9 to 5 job and hope to retire in a few years and scope full time. I am working with two court reporters who both know I still have my full-time job and who send me regular turnaround transcripts — I am gaining experience and confidence along the way. I enjoy scoping and regularly get engrossed in a transcript and lose track of time. I’ve said all this to say a huge THANK YOU for everything you do in the scoping world. I will be forever grateful. GM Proud ISS Graduate GM The Steno Lessons are Golden!People working on the medical terminology section or trying to get there from the steno lessons — this stuff is GOLDEN. I was able to get every single bit of mumbled medical terminology translated in a monstrous depo I’ve been working on the past couple of days because of learning steno and medical terms. If someone says patent ductus arteriosus coarctation or adenosine triphosphate or tries to quote the Henderson–Hasselbalch equation to me, though, they better be prepared for a HUGE eye roll coming from my general direction. Christine Smith Christine Smith There is work for ScopistsIf you’re skeptical about whether or not there is enough work out here for us, I’m here to tell you THERE ABSOLUTELY IS. I graduated February 4th of this year (2023). I’ve been consistently busy since about February 6th. Currently, I have about four jobs on my schedule for next week, as well as my main reporter, and multiple others, requesting to send me more jobs. I’m having to turn down work out here. There IS work out here. Just keep truckin’!! Holly Smith Holly Smith A little encouragement for those who are graduating soon or recently graduated
Just a little encouragement for those who are graduating soon or recently graduated: I completed my taxes and was so proud of myself for the income I had earned last year. I didn’t make a lot. My schedule is limited because I have two babies at home. But almost all the money I made was straight profit! You can’t get any better than that for a first-year self-employed person. I deducted the transaction fees I had to pay, as well as my home office deductions, but other than that there were no expenses. I used to be a loan officer at a bank, and I had so many self-employed individuals who applied for loans and would say they made X amount per year, but when I looked at their tax returns, they told a different story. Scoping is a great business to get into, as it requires little up-front cost and very little continuing expenses. When I signed up for ISS, I was hesitant because of the cost of the program, but I told myself if I could just recoup that money in a reasonable amount of time, then there would be no harm done if I didn’t want to continue. I have recouped my initial cost, plus a significant profit, in my very first year, and I’m so happy I chose this program. I don’t have to spend money to make money, I get to spend time with my family as I choose, and my work is interesting and fulfilling. Alison Hargrove Why I Chose Internet Scoping SchoolHow I found your website: The power of Google. Once I found it, I ran it by my friend (who is a court reporter), who confirmed that it had good reviews in the professional groups she’s in. Briana Ternay Great CourseI am truly enjoying the course and I’m looking forward to finishing and stepping into the profession. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into making a great course. I’ll be anxious to hear from you. Teri Lewis Just Graduated!I just graduated from ISS and wanted to share my experience. I had no experience with anything in the court reporting world prior to starting this training course. This course covers everything you need to know to start your scoping career. Linda always responded to every question I emailed her. I received feedback on every test I turned in to be graded. Every section of this course is very thorough. The Facebook groups that go along with this course provide extra help and feedback from Linda, the administrators, current students, and graduates. If you participate in those groups, you will definitely feel like you are part of a community of people who want to see you succeed. I would highly recommend this training course, ISS, to anyone interested in scoping as a career. Debbie Watson Highly Recommend!Almost two years ago I was a lurker on here, trying to decide if I should jump into this course. I’m so glad I did! I have thoroughly enjoyed learning about scoping and developing the skills needed to succeed. Linda is very responsive when there are questions about anything, and she really cares about making sure you are prepared for success. The course is very thorough, and it’s nice that you can work at your own pace. I teach part-time and have two kids, so my schedule can get crazy at times. There was a time where I hadn’t been able to study for several weeks, but since there’s lifetime unlimited access, I was able to go back and review to get caught up, once I was able to get back to it again. The Facebook groups are a great place to get support and answers from friendly fellow students, graduates, and Linda. I’m so thankful I can now work from home doing something I enjoy and get paid for doing it! I highly recommend ISS! Rhonda Kanagy Wang Loving My Career ChangeHi, Linda! I’ve been meaning to write you for a while now but life has been SO crazy! I thoroughly enjoyed the scoping school. I started taking on a reporter that I found on Facebook. I responded to someone who posted “who wants to scope a hot mess?” I did it and we’ve been friends since. One thing led to another; I worked with a couple other reporters who knew I was new. Long story short: I quit my full-time job about 15 months ago to form my own scoping company. I make enough to pay myself a healthy paycheck, put my husband on the payroll, pay my accountant’s house (LOL), and pay for my own health insurance! I work totally from home and literally have so much work that my husband complains that he “doesn’t see me anymore” (don’t even get me started on that one!). I have three (sometimes four) reporters that I consistently work with. One of them is RealTeam, which I LOVE doing! And since I jumped right in, I never built a website or a professional Facebook page or anything like that. There was no need to. One of my reporters actually sends me fruit baskets every now and again because she appreciates my hard work! Anyway, I wanted to share some things I learned: 1) Breathe. It’s easy to forget to do that. 2) Get up and walk around. 3) Remember your posture. 4) Be honest with your reporters. If you can’t take on a job’s deadline, don’t do it. 5) I go on a 15% rule. Every single penny that comes in, I put 15% aside. When the work slows down, you can still pay yourself. 6) Each reporter has their own preference. Ask them first if you have ANY questions. It’s their transcript! 7) There is A LOT of work out there! I am loving my career change, and I wanted to thank you for every bit of information you have allowed us to learn from you! Karen You’re better off than 90% of other scopistsI really appreciate that it is so tough. A friend of ours who was a court reporter for many years and has been scoping for the past 15 years is very impressed with your course. In his words, “If you can learn all of this, you’re better off than 90% of all other scopists.” We will be well prepared, thanks to you. De Kuenzi Lifetime Access to the ISS ProgramI just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you allowing me lifetime access to the ISS program. When I was searching for a scoping program, I remember seeing lifetime access as one of the selling points of ISS. I didn’t really think much of it and figured I would never need to revisit the program once I completed it. I have popped on the site so many times as a working scopist to double-check something I am unsure of or just to freshen my skills. Thanks so much for continuing to share access to all of us who have completed the program!
Heather C. I will make you Proud!I mean this sincerely – – your course has been the best learning experience I’ve ever had, and you are an amazing teacher. I can’t thank you enough for your unending patience. The things you taught in the final module, I’ll definitely take to heart. I recognize that by advertising myself as a student of ISS, I’m an extension of your reputation and good name. I’m going to proceed with caution and courtesy. I’ll make you proud. 🙂 Thank you again, Linda. And I’ll see you on the ISS boards! Derek ISS is the place to get the skills you need to impress the best reportersIf you’re sitting on the fence about jumping into scoping, please make that leap without fear! Linda not only sets you up with the knowledge for scoping, she has amazing reporters coming to her for help in finding a scopist. I just finished my first job with an amazing reporter that had requested a job posting through ISS. There is a lot of work available for scopists who are good at what they do, and ISS is the place to get the skills you need to impress the best reporters. Click HERE to see entire thread… In case you are on the fence
Transcript Used In High Profile CaseReprinted by permission from Guardians of the Record: Crystal FosterI’m on a high-profile case that’s been on trial all week. Criminal case. This case was on the news. I couldn’t believe I got this case. A Daily Copy was ordered by attorneys on this high-profile case of an excerpt of a certain part of the transcript. Today the attorneys had my transcript out and were all over it reading from it in court and showing it. All I could think was, thank God for Scopist and proofreaders. My transcript was flawless, professional, and a highly-skilled transcript! This was Day 3 of the trial. Love our career. We truly have important roles in this field. And depending on how this trial goes, one attorney said there are A LOT of attorneys who will be ordering this transcript! Proofreaders and Scopist are essential in this field. I am actually busier than I’d ever dreamt I would beI am actually busier than I’d ever dreamt I would be at the two-month mark. I could probably have double the jobs if I could only get that cloning serum to work…it’s a problem for another day. I am just so glad to have found a nice variety of reporters who are extremely supportive and appreciative of my services. I just love my job so much.I am actually busier than I’d ever dreamt I would be at the two-month mark. I could probably have double the jobs if I could only get that cloning serum to work…it’s a problem for another day. I am just so glad to have found a nice variety of reporters who are extremely supportive and appreciative of my services. I just love my job so much. Susan H. High Demand for ScopistsI’ve been a proofreader since 2015 and I have seen a much higher demand for scopists. Good luck! ~ Lauren S. Lauren These are my honest opinions and experiences.I just finished the Internet Scoping School course. Ruth Shaff Bankert Recommendations for scopist training programs—- On Thu, 07 May 2020 10:46:31 -0700 Suzanne wrote —-
So much is making sense now!This has been a great software training. I wish I would have had this when I was in court reporting school. I went to an NCRA-approved school and was not provided with any software training. I was just told to watch the training videos and always knew somewhere down the road, I would have to hire a Stenograph trainer. So much is making sense now, and I’m realizing I have been missing out on shortcuts and all that the software offers. Heather The program is incredibly thorough and comprehensive!I do appreciate you and this program. I think the program is incredibly thorough and comprehensive and I feel like when I complete it I will be ready to take over the world. I am looking forward to completing the work and starting my own business. Julie Extremely Thorough!Re: Punctuation and Word Use Exam I love how thorough this training is and how committed you are to your students! Deb T. One of my favorite parts of the course is it never felt cold or robotic.When I began the ISS course, I was already a hairstylist for 28 years, and a transcript proofreader for three years and wanted to expand my business to include scoping. The thought of going back to school again while working full time and raising three teenagers was daunting to say the least. Immediately after I began the course, I was excited! Everything in the course was easy to understand and grasp. As I got into the notereading unit I thought I would never catch on. But everything was laid out so well, I feel like I caught on pretty easily. One of my favorite parts of the course is it never felt cold or robotic. I enjoyed the funny anecdotes, the course always keeps your interest, and I always felt encouraged. The fact that it is self-paced really came in handy when I had busy times with my work. I really feel prepared to start my new career in scoping! Thank you for creating this course and giving so many of us this fabulous opportunity to be able to be freelance and work at home! Dana K. I got my first client literally the day I graduated from the course.I got my first client literally the day I graduated from the course. I love, love, love working from home. You will make the money back over and over again. If this is something that you want to do, go for it! Linda L. past and present students love you and your courseKnow that your past and present students love you and your course???? for offering us a great opportunity to work at home in an interesting and challenging career. Kate M. Your program is really held in high regard with the reporters.I am going to work hard to absorb all of your knowledge. BTW, your program is really held in high regard with the reporters. I looked at them all but was told to go with you. Very glad I did! Have a great day! Robin R. I’m making a difference at my age!Oh, it’s so good to hear that you’re in my generation Linda!!! I’m 68. I’ve worked for 50 years in various industries. By the end of the year, it would be great to be working as a Scopist and discovering new things, not merely for financial reasons, but more importantly, to feel like I’m making a difference at my age! Well, you take care. I’m so grateful to you, Linda, for being there for me and opening doors to many new possibilities!! Talk to you later. Jane I’ve found the theory you teach to be so much better overall.Prior to deciding that I wanted to become a scopist, I was a court reporting student for about a year. In my course, we were taught Phoenix Theory, which at the time seemed fine! After doing some of the notereading section for ISS, I’ve found the theory you teach to be so much better overall. The quick jump to full sentences is much better, for me anyway. Thanks! Veronica S. This course exceeded my expectationsI have really enjoyed my training at ISS! I love how responsive and patient you’ve been with me. I really enjoyed learning to read steno. I think the practice files were a good example of the variety of topics and writers we could be working with. I appreciate that I wasn’t thrown into the CAT software blindly to try to figure out how to use it. I would definitely recommend the course for anyone interested in scoping! Thanks again for everything! This course exceeded my expectations! Anita I feel confident about this endeavor… under your tutelage.Well, I’ve jumped in, Linda! This is not the stenography world of my high-school days, which was shorthand, taking dictation, then transcribing into polished documents. But you could say it’s the same on a far more sophisticated level, so I feel confident about this endeavor… under your tutelage. You get great reviews! Laurie M. I was able to go at my own paceHi Linda! I just completed the entire scoping course and wanted to take a second to say thank you for everything! I really enjoyed the course, and I feel prepared and confident to take on this new journey! I really liked how I was able to go at my own pace, with two kids that was especially helpful. I also really appreciate how quick you were to respond back to my emails, questions, and with grading my tests/quizzes. I can’t tell you how much stress that relieved knowing that I wouldn’t have to wait too long to get my grades back to me! I also found the Facebook group to be a big resource for me throughout my studies. If I ever had a question I was almost always able to find the answer just by doing a quick search in the group! Not only was it helpful in that way, but being able to see how others were doing and what they were thinking was both reassuring and motivating for me! Thank you again for everything. I am so proud to be a graduate of this course, and I am so excited to get out there and put everything that I’ve learned to use! Ashleigh I learned everything I needed to know to have a successful business in scoping from this course.This is the school I graduated from, and I learned everything I needed to know to have a successful business in scoping from this course. Linda Evenson has put together an awesome program! Cindi C. No wonder your grads are sought after!Sounds great that you will be adding and/or enhancing areas of the course material going forward. It fits right in with your basic marketing statement for scopists to never stop learning. I am looking forward to getting started on a marvelous career. I am guessing that I am one of your “older” students and want to make sure I can do this for all your golden-year students! I am thoroughly impressed with the structure, professionalism, and dedication you have given to the design and implementation of this course. No wonder your grads are sought after. You are the best! Looking forward to earning my first dollar — which I will frame — once I have graduated! Marjorie H. This course has allowed me to make more than a viable living and keep my independence.I can’t speak highly enough about the training and content in this course. I’m able to earn my living from home. Does that sound a little pallid? Trust me; it’s not. I’m Gam Gam, which is an affectionate name my granddaughter and her friends have given me. I lost my assets in a bad business deal. This course has allowed me to make more than a viable living and keep my independence. And I’ve made good friends. ‘Nuff said. Sharon B I don’t think you can get any better training.I feel very fortunate to have found Linda Evenson’s Internet Scoping School back in 2002. I was looking for a work-from-home job, and a friend suggested I become a scopist. If I remember correctly, I had to take a grammar/punctuation/spelling test to check my aptitude for this career, which impressed me. She wasn’t looking to just take my money and hope for the best; she was looking for qualified students. And what a delightful lady to work with! Linda knows the scoping world inside and out and is a great teacher, always willing to help. I don’t think you can get any better training. After a couple of years of scoping full-time, I decided to go to court reporting school. Having been exposed to the scoping world, I really had an advantage. Thanks, Linda!! Vicki M A brand of service that is rarely seen these days“I think it’s pretty amazing that you are personally answering my questions. That’s a brand of service that is rarely seen these days.” Allison I’m loving this course so far“I’m loving this course so far.” Patty It makes me feel confident in knowing you really are here to help“I love how quickly you respond. It makes me feel confident in knowing you really are here to help. Not only now but throughout the course.” Ana I know for sure that once I am finished that I will be prepared to be a competent scopist!“Thanks for answering my questions. Your program is a very, very good one. It’s so comprehensive, and I know for sure that once I am finished (which is coming very soon!) that I will be prepared to be a competent scopist!” Sue I learned a great deal from the CC course.“I learned a great deal from the CC course and also realize there is so much more to learn! Great stuff.” Molly Graduates feel confident and able to meet the challenges“I can see why your graduates feel confident and able to meet the challenges. The reviews confirm that your system works for all involved. That must be very gratifying to you. And at the same time, you manage to keep things at a personal level and let people know that you are there for them.” Marianne I would recommend you and your school to anyone thinking about a scoping career!Linda, thanks for getting back to me with information about my upcoming test. I want to graduate and start doing this! I wanted to thank you for also for always being so responsive. My mother-in-law asked if you answered questions I had and I said, yes, always. She said when she asked questions when she was taking the class (from someone else) the owner said, ‘you should know that.’ So thank you, you are much appreciated and I would recommend you and your school to anyone thinking about a scoping career! Lisa you WANT us to succeed, you are here for us, and you genuinely care and understandOh, thank you so much for your encouragement and support Linda! I’m excited, and scared, all at the same time. I spent last night poring over your FB pages reading everyone’s comments and your responses. It was this post from you that convinced me to do it: Linda Evenson: Let me explain to you how I do tests: If you don’t score at least 85% on a test (an A or B), I reset the section so you can go back and study some more and retake the test when you’re ready. I will also give you hints as to what to study. If you don’t get an 85% the second time, I will reset the section again and then give you a separate retest the third time, if I have one for that section. If you’re still having trouble, say, in punctuation, I will go through your test with you and give you the correct answers, and then ask you to find the appropriate rules and type them up and email them to me. Most people — myself included — HATE making mistakes, and when we do, and we learn the correct way to do things and why, it really tends to stick in our brains — even at my age! That’s why I spend a lot of time explaining things thoroughly. In the long run, no one knows what you get on a test but you and me and that’s confidential anyway. The important thing is that you know the information so you can do an awesome job for your clients in the future. If we can achieve that, that’s our goal! So that’s my theory on tests…and to quote Forest Gump, “That’s all I have to say about that!” So don’t be afraid. I’m here to guide you to where you need to get: SUCCESS! That post conveyed the fact that you WANT us to succeed, you are here for us, and you genuinely care and understand. It’s not just about making a fast buck like some of the tactics the other programs utilize. This is such an open, connected community that I can’t wait to be a part of it. As I mentioned above, I’ve been in healthcare the last four years, and have never felt like I fit in. Knowledge is power, and retaining, rather than sharing, is the norm. I’m praying this is my place. All my best to you Linda. I honor your integrity and spirit! Bridget R. I would 10 out of 10 recommend Internet Scoping School.I had never heard of scoping until I started proofreading for court reporters back in 2017, but I knew that I wanted to scope as soon as I did hear about it. Before taking the plunge, however, I did my research, and I found that one scoping course was recommended above all others: Linda Evenson’s Internet Scoping School. I completed the course in September of 2018, and I was able to not only start scoping for some of my proofreading clients, but they also recommended me to other reporters who could use my services. Linda’s course is so thorough, and the notereading section especially has helped me to really understand how stenography works and allows me to make out what is being said in a transcript, even if the audio isn’t clear. (I’m one of those scopists who actually prefers scoping to full audio.) I don’t know how well I would have done just going through the Integrated Video Training in Case CATalyst or looking up tutorials on YouTube. Having Linda there — both in the course and available to answer questions — helped me get to scoping just that much faster than if I had not taken the course and had to muddle my way through learning the software. After investing in the training and the Case CATalyst software, I found it was well worth the money, and I would 10 out of 10 recommend Internet Scoping School to anyone wanting to learn the trade. Darcy A. S. T., Thornburg Proofreading, LLC Doing my training through Internet Scoping School was an easy decision.In November of 2017, I ran across an article that listed the best work-from-home careers that no one knows about. Scoping was one of the jobs listed. I was instantly drawn in as the job description of a scopist sounded like my dream job. I would be able to take advantage of my love of writing and editing and would still be able to make use of my criminal justice degree. Of course, my first thought was that this kind of job was too good to be true. However, after many, many hours of researching and reaching out to Linda, other scopists, court reporters, and current and former students, I was pleased to find out that scoping is, in fact, a legitimate career with some awesome benefits. Doing my training through Internet Scoping School was an easy decision. ISS offers the ability to take the course at your own pace, which is exactly what I needed. Working at my own pace and setting my own hours allowed me to continue providing daycare from home, attend all of my kids’ activities, and enjoy our family’s summer vacations. Not only was the flexibility a bonus of enrolling at ISS, but I was also able to reach Linda through e-mail at all times and was always able to get an answer back within a matter of hours. Linda was very knowledgeable when answering my questions and was always encouraging whenever I hit a speed bump or needed something explained in a different way. She also provides examples of how she’s handled certain situations or things that have come up in her time as a scopist, which gives students better insight as to what life as a scopist is really like. Enrolling in the course also provides access to the ISS Students and Grads Facebook page. This was useful whenever I had questions or was looking for advice or encouragement. Now, as a scopist myself, I’m able to use the group to bounce ideas off of other scopists and do my part in answering questions for current students who are making their way through the course. My entire experience as an ISS student completely prepared me to enter the scoping world and it did so in a stress-free environment where I felt completely welcome and at home. Upon completing the course, I immediately put my training to use by trying to find my first scoping job. I knew exactly how to go about this because of the thoroughness of the ISS program. Within four days I had my first job with a reporter and have been working consistently since. I have complete confidence going into each new job knowing that I am prepared to the fullest extent. I know that I wouldn’t be as happy in my new career choice if it weren’t for the extensive training and preparation Linda provides. I feel so lucky to be able to say that I’m a trained scopist, ISS graduate, and working my dream job! Ashleigh T. |