Internet Scoping School: The Best Scoping Course on Earth | Internet Scoping School


Learn to Edit for
Court Reporters. 

Build a work-from-home career
using in-demand skills.

What is Internet Scoping School?

Internet Scoping School is the most thorough and effective scoping training program on Earth. We teach our students to do far more than edit transcripts for court reporters -- we teach them how to build a successful scoping business.

We are the only scoping course that includes lifetime access
* to support and all content updates in our tuition fee. You will never need to enroll a second time to complete your training. That's real self-paced learning.

See what makes ISS different.

What is Scoping?

Scoping is what the court reporting industry calls editing.

If a court reporter is the writer, a scopist is the editor. 

A talented individual with excellent word skills receives a transcript and audio from a court reporter, downloads it into his/her software, and edits the transcript to be correct according to the audio.

Excellent punctuation, word use, and vocabulary skills are essential. 

Why Learn to Scope?

There are three major advantages to working at home as a scopist.

Scopists can work from anywhere.

 All you need is a computer, software, and access to the Internet and email. 

Scopists are well paid.

 On average, a scopist earns between $30,000 and $50,000 per year -- sometimes more. In contrast to degree programs that cost tens of thousands of dollars, scopist training is much more affordable. 

Scoping is in high demand.

A scopist saves a court reporter valuable time -- time they can spend doing more reporting and earning more money. It's a win-win. 

Enroll in our FREE intro course
to learn more about scoping.

About the Instructor

Hi! I'm Linda Evenson, and I've been a scopist for over 35 years. I've been teaching scoping since 1999. My school is consistently recommended by the National Court Reporters Association and has a proven track record for producing successful, competent scopists. 

I love to teach, so working with students is my favorite part of my job. One thing you can count on with me as an instructor is that I'll always be there for my students -- even long after they graduate from my program. I believe in a well-rounded and comprehensive style of training that continues for a lifetime. 

If you have excellent word skills and want to work from home, there is no need to invest tens of thousands of dollars in a college degree -- scoping may be just what you're looking for. 

What Our Students Are Saying... 

Real review from Facebook (click the screenshot to see more!):

Real student email:

This is what Lisa has to say:      

I can tell you take a real interest in your students and I appreciate that!

Linda Livingston

I got my first client literally the day I graduated from the course.  I love, love, love working from home. You will make the money back over and over again. If this is something that you want to do, go for it!

Linda Livingston 

And more compliments we’ve gotten over the years! 


Enroll in our FREE intro course
to learn more about scoping.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of support will I receive as a student/graduate?
You will receive lifetime access to our student support group on Facebook where you will have access to not only[...]
Why is ISS the best scoping course?
Why is ISS the best scoping course? That's easy! Internet Scoping School is the best scoping course because it's all-inclusive.[...]
How much does a scopist make? How much can I expect to earn as a newbie?
As a beginner, you'll be much slower at editing than your more experienced peers. Never fear, though -- you won't stay that[...]

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By Linda Evenson --  Normally, I don’t care what my competition says about ISS. I’ve always believed that the best[...]

Enroll in our FREE intro course
to learn more about scoping.