Uncategorized – Internet Scoping School

Category Archives for Uncategorized

Scoping – Weathering Economic Changes

Scoping – Weathering Economic ChangesBy Linda EvensonIn the past few years, there have been many changes to the landscape of business:  a much higher minimum wage, significant layoffs, higher interest rates, COVID isolation, more remote employees, businesses failing and closing, rampant inflation — the list goes on and on.  Job security seems to be a […]

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A Student’s Perspective on ISS

INTERNET SCOPING SCHOOL EXPERIENCE — The past 11 months Current Student Perspective — for info on what it is like to be a “practicing” scopist, there are others on the FB group who have offered their help with that — as I will down the road:) Katherine (Kate) Mulderig •Decision to enroll: Last spring I […]

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Your “Contract” with ISS

I have a rather unique viewpoint on how I run ISS.  I consider students’ enrollment a sort of contract between them and me:  They agree to study hard and learn the material; I agree to be an active participant in their learning experience and to do all I can to promote their success.  This is […]

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Making the Jump to a New Career?

It’s scary to jump into a new career and wonder if you will be successful.  I received this email from a prospective student.  I thought some of you who are considering scoping would find it encouraging.   —- On Wed, 29 Apr 2020 10:58:50 -0700 > wrote —- Dear Linda, I’m sure I have the […]

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We’re Looking For You!

Would you like to work from home earning college-level income without college-level costs? Sign up for our FREE Intro to Scoping Mini-Course to see if this career is for you!

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50 Words You Hear Every Day. Do You Know What They Mean?

VernacularHow you’ve heard it: “If you knew the definition of every word on this list, then you must have an impressive grasp on the English vernacular.”What it means: If you’re dialed into the lingo of your home country, then it’s likely that you are familiar with the country’s vernacular, or common tongue. As a scopist, I love words.  I […]

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Proofreading versus Scoping versus Transcribing

Proofreading versus Scoping versus Transcribing What is the Difference? I am often asked, “What is the difference between scoping, proofreading, and transcribing?” Here is the answer in a nutshell. A transcriptionist gets an audio file from the reporter and has to type in every word that is heard on the audio. They must also research spellings, punctuate, […]

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BUYER BEWARE!   1.  Do you know that when the other online instructors started their scoping courses, they only had 2-3 years of scoping experience?  Linda had 20.  Do your due diligence.  Research contents of each course so you know what you’re getting and what you aren’t.  Entrust your livelihood to someone who is trustworthy and […]

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