Doing my training through Internet Scoping School was an easy decision.  | Internet Scoping School
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Doing my training through Internet Scoping School was an easy decision. 

In November of 2017, I ran across an article that listed the best work-from-home careers that no one knows about.  Scoping was one of the jobs listed.  I was instantly drawn in as the job description of a scopist sounded like my dream job.  I would be able to take advantage of my love of writing and editing and would still be able to make use of my criminal justice degree.  Of course, my first thought was that this kind of job was too good to be true.  However, after many, many hours of researching and reaching out to Linda, other scopists, court reporters, and current and former students, I was pleased to find out that scoping is, in fact, a legitimate career with some awesome benefits.

Doing my training through Internet Scoping School was an easy decision.  ISS offers the ability to take the course at your own pace, which is exactly what I needed.  Working at my own pace and setting my own hours allowed me to continue providing daycare from home, attend all of my kids’ activities, and enjoy our family’s summer vacations.  Not only was the flexibility a bonus of enrolling at ISS, but I was also able to reach Linda through e-mail at all times and was always able to get an answer back within a matter of hours.  Linda was very knowledgeable when answering my questions and was always encouraging whenever I hit a speed bump or needed something explained in a different way.  She also provides examples of how she’s handled certain situations or things that have come up in her time as a scopist, which gives students better insight as to what life as a scopist is really like.

Enrolling in the course also provides access to the ISS Students and Grads Facebook page.  This was useful whenever I had questions or was looking for advice or encouragement.  Now, as a scopist myself, I’m able to use the group to bounce ideas off of other scopists and do my part in answering questions for current students who are making their way through the course.

My entire experience as an ISS student completely prepared me to enter the scoping world and it did so in a stress-free environment where I felt completely welcome and at home.  Upon completing the course, I immediately put my training to use by trying to find my first scoping job.  I knew exactly how to go about this because of the thoroughness of the ISS program.  Within four days I had my first job with a reporter and have been working consistently since.  I have complete confidence going into each new job knowing that I am prepared to the fullest extent.  I know that I wouldn’t be as happy in my new career choice if it weren’t for the extensive training and preparation Linda provides.  I feel so lucky to be able to say that I’m a trained scopist, ISS graduate, and working my dream job!

Ashleigh T.