Becca – Internet Scoping School


This is a post from Becca to our Facebook page and we found it so encouraging, we want to share it!

Hi, All!

I wanted to take a moment to share my first experience in the real world of scoping. I finally worked up enough courage to post a job ad on Triple Threat’s job board. I had a reporter reach out to me on Friday. After emailing back and forth, she ended up filling out my new client packet. I told her I wanted to schedule a phone call to discuss everything. We had our phone call today. I clarified any questions I had about her preference sheet, and I went over different topics that are found in the Scopist Checklist from the Business of Scoping. I mentioned a couple times throughout our conversation that I’m a newer scopist and that didn’t bother her at all. I also told her that I welcome any feedback she gives me. She appreciated that. Toward the end of the conversation, this reporter told me that all the questions that I asked were really good, and she was very impressed with my email communication and the fact that I wanted to talk on the phone. She said she is feels very excited to move forward with me being her scopist. She sent me my first job! Which isn’t as intimidating as I thought, thanks to the excellent training ISS provides!

I wanted to put this out there for anyone who is wondering what it looks like in the other side of graduating. I posted on Tuesday and I had two responses in three days. This is legit! The work is out there! Take advantage of the Business of Scoping and the mentorship with Lisa Hall Head. I’ve had so many questions for her, and she has been instrumental in guiding me through this process!

I hope this post encourages whoever is reading this to keep going, you’ve got this!!💪🏼

