Why is Case CATalyst the best scoping software? | Internet Scoping School

Why is Case CATalyst the best scoping software?

Case CATalyst is the product of Stenograph Corporation, the oldest provider of CAT software in the profession — kind of like how Internet Scoping School is the oldest provider of online scoping education!

While other companies have come and gone, Stenograph has survived, thrived, and grown a large, loyal community of users.

In fact, ISS students get a $100 discount on Case CATalyst software, which includes:

  • Case CATalyst Edit Software
  • Audiosync Software
  • One-Year Support Contract

TOTAL: Prices are subject to change, so go to this link to find the current price for the edit version: https://www.stenograph.com/catalyst-scopists-edit

How to Get the Discount

Tell Stenograph you are an ISS student! That’s it. You’ll save $100 over the list price.

This is a nice savings over current pricing and is available through this special offer to ISS students. Software cost is not included in your ISS tuition, but you don’t need to purchase it until you’re ready to begin the CATalyst Training.

Why CaseCAT?

Stenograph Corporation claims 60-65 percent of working reporters use their software. That is a staggering number. The remainder of the market is shared by about six smaller companies. I believe CaseCAT offers the best opportunity to new scopists to find work — yes, I know scoping software isn’t cheap, but by using the most popular software, you’ll be able to find more work overall, which means you will recoup the cost quickly.

Jeanie did!

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